2 min read

Two things can be true

Two things can be true
Photo by National Historical Museum of Sweden (NHM) / Unsplash

We're often duped into thinking it's a binary world where one thing must negate the other.

But here’s a truth bomb for you: two things can be true.

Take parenting, for example. It's this intricate dance of showing up as the rock-solid leader while simultaneously acknowledging the tidal wave of emotions our kids are surfing.

Picture this: Your kid's melting down because you axed their grand plan to watch the latest horror flick that's about as age-appropriate as a toddler manning a barbecue. They’re hurling accusations of you being the spawn of Satan for not letting them join their pals in this cinematic rite of passage.

In that moment, two truths need to coexist: the movie’s off the table, but their whirlwind of feelings? Totally valid.

Two things can be true isn’t just about navigating the choppy waters of parenting; it’s a universal principle, extending its roots into every crevice of our existence.

Now, let's pivot to the adult world. Ever felt that twitch of skepticism when someone’s selling you something? That knee-jerk suspicion that it's all smoke and mirrors?

Here’s where the dual-truth principle kicks in again. Yes, they're trying to make a sale, but no, that doesn’t automatically mean they’re peddling snake oil. They can genuinely be offering something of value, enriching your life while padding their wallet. It's not a con; it's commerce with a side of sincerity.

In the bloodsport of politics, where it's usually us versus them, embracing the idea that two truths can coexist is like finding a rare truffle in a heap of mud. You can loathe a politician's stance on one issue while admitting they've got a point on another. It’s not about playing both sides—it’s about acknowledging the messy, infuriating complexity of human beings and the policies they push.

Accepting this nuance is a step toward cutting through the bullshit, leading to debates that actually get somewhere instead of spinning in circles. So, where in your political throwdowns can admitting this complexity break down walls instead of building them higher?

This two-truth tango is everywhere once you start looking. It's in how we navigate friendships, careers, and even the murky waters of our psyche. Acknowledging this duality doesn’t dilute our decisions or emotions; it enriches them, giving us a fuller, more nuanced view of the world.

So, next time you find yourself at a crossroads, remember: embracing this complexity doesn’t make you indecisive or weak. It makes you human. And in a world that loves to oversimplify, perhaps understanding that two things can be true is the most radical act of all.

What's your two truths moment? Where can you apply this understanding in your life to navigate the complexities with a little more grace?

H/T to Dr. Becky Kennedy and her book Good Inside for inspiring today's post.